After inserting a text data tag into a Form, you can view and modify its properties, including the option to add masking that defines the presentation of the data in the output.

Configuring a Text Data Tag: To view and modify tag properties:

  1. In the Form Data Tags panel, right-click the data tag and select Properties.
  2. Choose the Text tag.
  3. Apply a text mask to the data tag, selecting one of the optional mask types.

Text Masking Types:

  1. String:

    • Options: All Upper Case, All Lower Case, Name, Title.
    • Define case usage of words.
  2. Number:

    • Options: Decimal Point, Separator, Thousands Separator, Negative Value Format.
    • Define the look of a number.
  3. Date:

    • Options: Calendar Language, Calendar Type, Date Format, Separator.
    • Define the appearance of a date tag.
  4. Date & Time:

    • Options: Calendar Language, Calendar Type, Time Zone, Date & Time Format, Date Separator.
    • Define the appearance of a date and time tag.
  5. Amount in Words:

    • Options: Currency Type, Language.
    • Define the look of an amount presented as words.

Applying a Mask to a Text Data Tag:

  1. Open the Type dropdown menu and select Text.
  2. Set the Maximum Length.
  3. Select the Masking Type and choose a suitable mask type.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Additional Details:

  • The Mask option allows you to define the visual format of the data tag values.
  • The Tag Properties window displays masking options, providing examples in the Sample pane.
  • String, Number, Date, Date & Time, and Amount in Words masks have specific configurations.

String Masks:

  • Define case usage of words (using Latin alphabets).
  • Options: All Upper Case, All Lower Case, Name, Title.

Number Masks:

  • Define the look of a number.
  • Options: Decimal Point, Separator, Thousands Separator, Negative Value Format.

Date Masks:

  • Define the appearance of a date tag.
  • Options: Calendar Language, Calendar Type, Date Format, Separator.

Date & Time Masks:

  • Define the appearance of a date and time tag.
  • Options: Calendar Language, Calendar Type, Time Zone, Date & Time Format, Date Separator.

Amount in Words Masks:

  • Define the look of an amount presented as words.
  • Options: Currency Type, Language.