The history Logger allows you to record and log each generation for further use.
With our History Logger, users can access all the essential details about the form generation, including Form Number, Record ID, Channel, Format, Recipient, File ID, and Author. This means that all the metadata about the generation will be saved in a record, making it easier for users to access and analyze the data for future use.

Our new API capabilities allow users to log five custom fields on Mass generation and Single Generation: (Method 11 under “RenderCreateFile  &  method 9 under “Mass Generation”) give them the flexibility to capture specific data points unique to their business processes. This is particularly useful for businesses that require customized data fields to track form generation for auditing or compliance purposes.
Within the “System Settings” menu, you can enable or disable the logger by selecting the corresponding checkbox. Additionally, you can specify the “Logger Type” as one of the following:

  • All: Logs every generation
  • Mass Generation: Logs only mass generations
  • Single Generation: Logs only individual generations

In order to add Logger Tab to the Docomotion application:

Go to ‘Setup’ –> Tabs –> Under ‘Custom Object Tabs’ Press ‘New’ –> Open ‘Object’ Drop Down List –> Choose ‘DocomotionHistory’ –> Choose Some ‘Tag Style’ –> Press ‘Next’ –> On the next Page press ‘Next’ –>  Press ‘Save’

You are all set!