Direct Link Output for Salesforce Users:

The new API feature provides the ability to generate Link output directly for Salesforce Users without creating Contact/Account records. This can be a good alternative to the previous method that required the creation of Contact/Account records for all users that need to sign documents.


  • formId (Integer): The form number to generate.
  • formName (String): The name of the Form.
  • sobjectId (Id): ID of the record to generate on.
  • isActiveVersion (Boolean): If the form is on an active state set true; if publish set false.
  • fileName (String): The name of the output.
  • whoId (Id): The ID of the signer field.
  • addRecipient (String): Additional email recipient.
  • orgWideAddressId (String): ID of the org-wide email address.
  • chatter (Boolean): Whether to create a chatter entry for the signature or not.
  • toInsert (Boolean): Whether to insert the data into the database or not.
  • whoIdsMap (Map<Integer, Id>): A map that maps formId (Integer) to whoId (Salesforce Id).


					Integer formId = 2; // form number to generate
String formName = 'AccountTest123'; // The name of the Form
Id sobjectId = '0017R00002yeduZQAQ'; // ID of the record to generate on
Boolean isActiveVersion = false; // if the form is on an active state set true if publish set false
String fileName = 'test'; // the name of the output
Id whoId = '0057R00000DWB0ZQAX'; // the ID of the signer field (User)
String addRecipient = ''; // Additional email recipient
String orgWideAddressId = '0D27R000000XbbK'; // ID of the org-wide email address
Boolean chatter = false; // Whether to create a chatter entry for the signature or not.
Boolean toInsert = true; // Whether to insert the data into the database or not.
Map<Integer, Id> whoIdsMap = new Map<Integer, Id>();
whoIdsMap.put(2, '0057R00000DWB0ZQAX');
whoIdsMap.put(2, '0057R00000DWB0ZQAX');
doco.RenderAPI.createLink(formId, sobjectId, whoId, chatter, toInsert, fileName, isActiveVersion, addRecipient, orgWideAddressId);
doco.RenderAPI.createLink(formName, sobjectId, whoId, chatter, toInsert, fileName, isActiveVersion, addRecipient, orgWideAddressId);