  1. Multi-Signers Forms – Read More
  2.  Protected PDF: Set a level of security to generated PDFs – Read More
  3. PDF Layer – phase 2: Enhancing the process of adding fields to a layer – Read More.
Bug fix:
Removing Dashes from File name.

New Features:
  1. PDF Layer
  2. Dynamic filtering of data with a condition variable.
  3. Quick ‘Document Preview’ Button – New API Integration
  4. Direct Link Output for Salesforce Users
  5. Live Editor with Interactive Fields
  6. New Look for the interactive fields placeholders

V18 New Features:
  1. Image Resize
  2. New Fields on Form – Language and Category
  3. Mass Generation with Flows
  4. History Logger
  5. Unrelated List
  6. Unlock Subforms
  7. Enable Lock Container on Live Editor

V17.3 New Features:
  1. Migrate Workflow to Flows
  2. Increase the size of the RTA image for generated documents
  3. Doc2Files Supports PDF saving
  4. Control Share Type
  5. Support Hebrew on Generation Screen

V16 New Features:
  1. Adding additional recipients in email when using API.
  2. Adding additional documents in email when using API.
  3. Preview document in generation screen.
  4. Test preview with an actual Salesforce record.
  5. Set Default recipient in Form settings
  6. Additional Recipient – Recipient email enables free text.
  7. Live Editor Window – Resizing capabilities.

V15 New Feature:
  1. Region Switcher – Expanding cloud infrastructure to the EU in addition to the existing infrastructure in the US
  1. Data Model drill down up to 5 levels (“NLevel” feature)
  2. RTA Images
  1. Improve reliability of existing features:
    • Segments / Subforms
    • Import / Export forms
    • Live Editor

V14 New:
  1. New UI for Document Generation
  2. Additional Documents Files Filter for API
  3. Image Compression
  4. Friendly URL Support
  5. New Salesforce Lightning UI for Defining Data Models

V12 New:
  1. Files uploaded by interactive form recipients can be updated with custom metadata when defined to be attached as Salesforce Files
  2. Adding additional documents to the generated output directly from a related record’s Salesforce files
  3. Support for Salesforce Organization-wide email addresses
  4. Logging Docomotion server events
  5. Actual record preview
  6. New email recipient options for output generation
  7. Doc2Files – Editing Salesforce Files in MS-Word
  8. Pulling pictures from Salesforce Files (Salesforce Lightning)
  9. New options for storing signed PDF output
  10. Dynamically adding Pictures from Salesforce Files
  11. Generate output using data from an external data source
  12. Storing output in an external database
  13. Support for Salesforce New Flow Builder
  14. Document versions in Live Editor
  15. Accessible PDFs
  16. Embedded image in link channel
  17. DOCX: New format supported for combined mass generation
  18. Salesforce Files: New channel for output generation
  19. Support Salesforce Connect’s OData objects
  1. Additional email recipients when generating output via API or Flow/Process Builder (coming soon…)
  2. Live Editor: Additional Options
  3. Additional documents: Add documents/files from a selected folder/library
  4. RTA – Text font and font size can be set in the Designer
  5. RTA Support for embedded image
  6. Picklist and multi-picklist new UI
  7. Send Email button customization
  8. Additional Editing Options in the Live Editor
  9. Default Subject for Mail Body Output Format in Mass Generation

  1. Live Editor
  2. Interactive Date and Time (Date Picker)
  3. Image Background for Signature Field
  4. Password Protection for PDF generated through Link Channel
  5. Mass Generation from 3rd level lookups
  6. Full support Table of Contents for PDF output, and link navigation in HTML

  1. Sum inside a dynamic table
  2. Add documents to output
  3. Filter Forms
  4. Lock sections in the Form from being edited in the Live Editor
  5. Full support of Service and Sales consoles

  1. Pull package
  2. Form creation in Lightning Experience
  3. Add event (activity) after generation
  4. Mass Generation from Reports
  5. Routing option for Notes & Attachments and Chatter when generating output from Relation and Junction objects
  6. Adobe installation no longer prerequisite
  7. Full support for Rich Text Area type fields in Salesforce

  1. New Generation UI
  2. Interface with DocuSign Integration to Salesforce
  3. Mass Generation from Related Lists
  4. Support for Rich Text Area type fields in Salesforce
  5. Validation before Submit (HTML JavaScript)
  6. Designate fields as Mandatory to Fill
  7. Link Expiration per Form
  8. Configurable message After Submit of Interactive Form
  9. Support MS-Word Set Target Frame (open in a new tab)
  10. Signature popup in mobile
Version 8 uses Salesforce API version 40. For more information, please contact Docomotion Support.
  1. You can now add to the output pictures from a record’s Notes & Attachments.
  2. Automate output generation using Salesforce Process Builder.
  3. Context-sensitive help.

  1. The new Mass Generation feature enables generating output based on multiple records inside Salesforce List View.
  2. Support of European numbering format (localization/number masking).
  3. Support for Salesforce Date&Time field.
  4. Support for Date&Time field localization, based on the time zone of the recipient.
  5. Possibility to set a default file name for generated output in the Form’s Default Generation Settings based on Object field.
  6. New Designer Validation menu option.
  7. Signing device support: ability to open the signature area on the HTML output as a pop-up window.
  8. Support of the new Salesforce Lightning® experience.
If you have Forms designed in previous versions using scripts on Date or Date&Time Salesforce fields (tags), you need to edit the Forms using the new Date or Date&Time masking options.
V5.6 / V5.9
  1. Adding graphical Signatures to an Interactive Form (this requires using the new Link output channel).
  2. New output channel Link. Send an email with a link to an interactive document.
    • Recipients can fill in the document (including adding a signature and attachments).
  3. Uploading Files to an Interactive Form
  4. Store output in Google Drive.
  5. New Email Template option in mail output channel.
  6. New Form Generation Settings now enable simplifying the output generation page.
  7. Enhanced Designer to enable presenting in the output the Salesforce data of all interactive fields, which can be edited by the recipient and updated in Salesforce.
To use the Docomotion Designer tool you need to make sure that Microsoft .NET 4.6.1 is installed on your computer.
  1. Word Template Optional (Docomotion no longer requires a Word template for creating a new Form)
  2. Insert Page Break in Grouped Table
  3. Table of Content (TOC) Supports Show / Hide Containers (Improved)
  4. Enhanced Date Format Support (Improved)
  5. Support of Image URL without Extension for ALL Output Formats (Improved)

  1. Form Lifecycle
  2. Table Grouping
  3. Multi Language Support of Picklists
  4. Date Support
  5. Import / Export Scripts in the Designer
  6. Simplify Insert Picture in the Designer
  7. Interactive Fields Default Value (Improved)
  8. Interactive Support without Contact (Improved)
  9. Table of Contents Supports Containers (Improved)

  1. Exporting / Importing Forms
  2. Adding a Table of Contents to a Form
  3. Renaming the Generated Output File
  4. ‘Upload to Cloud’ Renamed ‘Save to Salesforce’
  5. No need to Enable Chatter when Installing Docomotion

  1. New License for Generating Output in Silent Mode
  2. Sorting Tables
  3. Renaming the Generated Output File
  4. Improved Form Structure

  1. New Quick Start Tab
  2. New Generation Screen
  3. Supports Generating Output from Mobile
  4. Inserting Form Segments as Linked or Unlinked
  5. Forms and Data Model Changes
  6. New Mail Body Support
  7. Generating Output in Silent Mode
  8. Nested Table Support
  9. Localization Support
  10. New Interactive Features
  11. Simplified Publishing (Improved)
  12. Renaming (Improved)